First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry 

On 3 June 2022, the Bailai Aboriginal Corporation for Land and Culture (BAC) convened a meeting of First Nations businesses and entrepreneurs to consider the establishment of a First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI). The aim is to improve meaningful participation across the supply chain of government and industry with major economic development.

The origins behind establishing the FNCCI is founded upon improving and increasing First Nations Business participation in economic development. Unfortunately, there is varying levels of success across many sectors and a lack of leadership, policy and strategy to guide meaningful and sustainable First Nations Business participation. In establishing the FNCCI, we will work in partnership and collaboration with existing Chambers of Commerce and Industry groups. We will do this by developing our networks across industry and government to create a cohesive working relationship between all sectors. Key areas of focus for the First Nations Chamber of Commerce and Industry are across market development and supply chain sustainability, specifically:

  •  Supply chain mapping
  • Supply chain readiness
  • First Nations business development
  • Developing policy position statements that guide major industry and government in sustainable
    First Nations business participation
  • Partnering with key stakeholders for success to achieve economic benefit for all
  • Business coaching and mentoring

Read the Mabo Day Media Release below

Mabo Day Media Release
FNCCI 2 Spots ochre A
FNCCI 2 spots ochre 2024